Pricing Expert
Mark is the founder of Impact Pricing, an advisory firm that helps B2B organizations price, package, and sell based on value. He holds a Ph.D in Marketing and is the author of three books (“Impact Pricing”, “Win, Keep, Grow” and “Selling Value”). Mark was previously a Pricing and Product Management Instructor with the Pragmatic Institute and has helped hundreds of businesses, from solo entrepreneurs to multi-billion dollar corporations, increase enterprise value via pricing and monetization.
Increasing Prices Intelligently
Mark Stiving is Chief Pricing Educator at Impact Pricing, an advisory firm specializing in value-based pricing for B2B technology companies. In this guide, he describes how to manage a price increase (which probably shouldn’t be an across-the-board increase) including deciding how much more to charge, which customers should see a price increase, and how to manage the roll-out.
Resurgens Roundtable on Increasing Prices Intelligently
Price increases are an important lever to align the cost and value of your product—but anyone who’s tried them knows how prickly they can be. In this session, Mark describes how to manage a price increase (hint: it probably shouldn’t be an across-the-board increase) including deciding how much more to charge, which customers it should affect, and managing roll-out.
Areas of Expertise
Creating, Communicating, and Capturing Value Monetization is always about the value the buyer gets. Mark’s bootcamps and advisory services help companies uncover the true value of their capabilities and get paid accordingly. He can advise companies on the entire chain from building valuable products, to packaging and communicating that value, to capturing value through well-structured pricing and sales processes.
Setting Subscription Pricing and Packaging Mark’s book, “Win, Keep, Grow” centers on subscription pricing, and Mark can advise SaaS companies on how to design their product packaging and pricing to optimize customer lifetime value.
Fearlessly Raise Prices Mark provides companies with the strategies, tools and confidence needed to raise prices. He helps companies apply his proven techniques to their specific business. The result: a targeted strategy that can immediately impact the bottomline.